my (greedy) holiday wish list (2013)

Last year was our first time trying the "something you want, wear, read and need" rule when it came to Christmas presents and we absolutely loved it! Especially since last year at Christmas we were in the throes of discovering the joys (and lows) of parenting a newborn, having the pressure off of gifting each other every item our heart desired made it so much more sane. I also noticed that the whole "opening of presents" took so much less time and within minutes we were simply enjoying the fire, snow and each others company - all Christmas should really be about. 
This year we'll be sticking to that rule again. I've also instituted a one gift per person rule for everyone else in our life. Instead of amassing piles of useless gifts I feel that this will help me focus on finding that "one special thing" that will make our loved one's faces light up!
Above is what is on my list this year - a sweater with "dancing" llama's, sparkly shoes, new glasses that should probably come with an eye exam (haven't been since before my pregnancy), a book bound to keep me laughing late into the night and a divine smelling candle (my personal weakness). 
What kind of gift giving traditions do you have in your family?

christmas [family] date night!


christmas sparkle + our tree