Books and more books

We stayed in for the most part this weekend, resting from a very busy, very exhausting week. We stayed in bed, napped and cuddled. On Sunday we drove up to the book fair that we've been hearing about since we moved here. It's basically a giant warehouse chock full of brand new "remainder" books. They literally had everything and for two book lovers it was hard to control ourselves. We promised ourselves that if we were bringing home new books it was time to do a little library clean out. We were well aware that we had quite a few books that had served their purpose and didn't need to be taking up room on the shelves (obviously all our antique & vintage books would stay). When it was all said and done we had three shopping bags full of books and much neater shelves with some new additions!
The drive home from the book fair coincided with one of V's long naps (she usually naps for two to three hours between noon and four) and we knew we couldn't wake her up. Armed with some fresh hot donuts and some coffee we picked up in town we decided to go for a little drive while V napped. The snow had just started to come down and was picking up pace quickly. I put on a little Phil Collins and we turned off on one of the backroads around our house. Pea size snowflakes dashed themselves against our windshield and we were surprised to find a significant amount of snow as we neared WV. The car was so cozy, Birdie softly snoring in the back seat and the smell of coffe had enveloped us. We linked up hands and settled into our seats. We talked about our life here - what we love and what we're grateful for. And then we began to dream and make plans. 
It's funny how sometimes it's when you talk things out that you come upon the best ideas. And so we talked and talked and we birthed a new plan for our lives. Something exciting, fresh and somewhat scary. We are going to shovel out a new path for our family. This country road life has served us so well. It has comforted us, rooted us, given us stability and loved us back to life after a few rough patches here and there. We feel stronger now, wiser and ready for a challenge. 
As we pulled into our driveway that was beginning to turn white I took a look at our little cabin. It looked different this time. I looked at it the way you look at that sweater you loved so much in college. It served you well and you're never going to part with it. But it's time for it to be put away and for you to wear that new sweater. You'll always love the old one but today it's all about the new. 


Birdie at three months


How being a mama has changed me