30 weeks

30 weeks means there's only ten more to go. And I am getting more and more anxious to meet baby bear. He/she makes her presence known at all times as of late and I feel like not a moment passes that the baby isn't on my mind. I think my belly finally dropped some which has made things a whole lot easier for me - sleeping, sitting, breathing! I also put on four whole pounds since our last prenatal appointment! I can't wait to share this news with our midwife!
I have to say that this pregnancy has made me the happiest I can probably ever remember being. I've struggled a lot with anxiety, depression and PMDD and I was very worried about how the pregnancy would affect me emotionally so I am thrilled that I've been feeling great! In fact if it weren't for the occasional aches and pains I would probably want to be pregnant always! In addition to that my skin has never looked better so I'm really soaking in all the positives of this pregnancy. 
We have a routine prenatal appointment today and I'm really looking forward to hearing baby bear's heartbeat, it's always such a special moment!


My Pregnancy Essentials


Weekend of 10.29.12