A Week's Worth of Odds & Ends

This week has just flown by! I can't believe it's already Friday! We got to spend a few days in Roanoke, VA this week and got to enjoy some of the best Korean food I've had in a while. I used to love getting Bibimbap at a restaurant in California and I've been craving it since we left so I was pretty much in heaven devouring that bowl. 
We also had our "big" ultrasound appointment yesterday where they measured the baby from head to toe. We were thrilled to hear that it is perfectly healthy and developing just as it should and seeing its sweet face just melted our hearts. We couldn't believe how much it had grown since our last ultrasound! It's amazing to me how much I love this little pumpkin already and we haven't even officially met. 

Busy little bee


One year at the cabin